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With data on the impact and growth of the AA Female consumer and Ford vehicles, Ford Motor Company wanted an African American specific series of TV spots that support the rebrand "Built Ford Proud."balance its historic contribution to the auto industry while speaking directly to its current customer.The "Built Ford Proud" Campaign was the first to champion the impact the black community has on Ford.


Speaking directly to the impact the black community has had on Ford throughout its history, we looked at the message within the general market campaign which uses a lot of "not" to compare Ford to its key competitors and while it cements Ford's place within the category, through 1000+ field interviews we learned our demo feels stronger about knowing who they ARE, vs. explaining who the ARE NOT.



Black History IS Ford History. 

Proud of our achievements

Proud of our progress

Proud of our families

And proud to own a vehicle from a company that understands what pride means to us.

We know who we are.


Built Ford Proud. Creating AA dedicated spots narrated by award-winning Angela Bassett with accompanying media buys reaching our audience in the places they play with a message directly from them.



Upon 3 days on air. Winning the See Her award for the positive portrayal of Women on Television, leading to a collaboration with Girls Make Beats foundation to teach young girls about women empowerment with Angela Bassett.



Creative Direction


Omni-channel campaign creation

We Lead Script

We don’t follow

We don’t back down

We don’t need a hand out

In fact, we lend a hand

We’re proud to be depended on

Proud to build upon culture

To be proud of where you came from

You Have to be going somewhere

Built Ford Proud

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Ode to the Builders Script

We build

And we build with purpose. With pride.

Pride – because we build for the builders.

The never-back-down builders.

The always-on builders

The crack-of-dawn builders. 

The builders you didn’t see coming.

We build trucks for them.

And we’ve proudly done just that for over 41 years.

So why stop now? There’s so much more to build.

Built for the builders. The 2019 F-150

Built Ford Proud

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Built Ford Proud Billboard at NYC
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FORD + ESSENCE MAGAZINE (Content Series and Experiential Event)


Celebrate 10 years of partnership between Ford Motor Company and Essence Fest, by integrating branded content leading up to Essence Festival that puts Ford at the forefront of African American feminism and in turn give African American women a unique way to celebrate sisterhood.



Bound by ties far deeper than blood, for women, it is no question sisters are more than family relations. But for African American women It encompasses so much more, including relationships by friendship, blood, community, sports, religion. AA women bond by paving a path, leading by example and giving back to the community.



"Road to Essence" celebrates 10 years of riding together starting with a branded content series for the magazine's boss lady readers and culminating at Essence Fest where real-time amplifications of the message came to life as attendees pitch their business to win a Ford. 



Creative Direction – Experience

Media Partnership

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